Cecilia Dumont (b. 1994, London, UK) is a visual artist confronting the hypocrisies and lunacies of the rapidly mutating visual economy. Her practice is both research and envelopment in hyperreality, that seeks to move beyond parody, critique, satire or imitation - into the realm of the sensorious,hilarious,disturbing. Accepting her own confusion - and the confusion of her culture - her practice navigates video, installation, sculpture and photo based responses to unfolding global narratives of truths and fictions. Whilst holding firm to a sentient idea of playfulness, style-as-reference, and subjectivity that underlies the sweet banality of personal perception.

Her recent work tackles the pre existing narratives that shape the gaze of the collective Eye, through a dissolution of the boundary between fiction and documentary, the personal and the political, the voyeur and the exposed. Disentangling her own position as artist, conductor, pornographer, sister, woman, agnostic on the verge of a conversion. Before multiplicity runs into vacant realms of relativity, she grabs it at the invisible juncture where emotion lays a map for the most beautiful of expansions.
